Friday 6th June 8am – 9pm

Saturday 7th June 8am – 9pm

Sunday 8th June 8am – 3.30pm

Entry prices

  • Adults: $22

  • Concession: $12

  • 12 to 17 years: $12

  • Under 11 years – accompanied: $Free

  • Under 11 years – unaccompanied: $6

(all prices include booking fees)


  • EFTPOS available at all gates

  • ATM’s located around the show

  • Parking available onsite

Caboolture Showgrounds Map

1. Woodchop

2. Phyllis Embrey Pavilion

3. Horticulture Display & Floral Art

4. Lindsay Pavilion
School Work

5. Photography

6. Ben Johnson Pavilion
Fruit and Vegetables
District Displays

7. First Aid

8. Toilets, Disabled & Baby Room

9. Show Society Canteen

11. Secretary’s Office / Show Office

11. A.J. Russell Pavilion
Farriers • Cookery

12. Caretaker’s Residence

13. Upstairs Gamgee Building
VIP Area

14. Show Society Canteen

15. Indoor Arena

16. Cattle

17. Beer Garden 

18. Bev Semple Stables

19. Nomination Shed
Horse Events

20. Ben Matthews Stables

21. Eddie Hatchman Oval
Car Park

Caboolture Show Map

Find us at the Caboolture Showgrounds


Entertainment will be announced closer to the event.

Schedules and Forms

Caboolture Show features classes for Cattle, Goats, Horses, Poultry/Birds, Fish plus a Dog show and more. You may be interested in entering the competition in the many classes for Cooking, Arts, Photography, Horticulture, Honey, Hobbies, Schoolwork and many others you can find in the schedule.

All exhibitor and competitor enquiries should be directed to the office on 07 5495 2030.

PDF Schedules

Application Forms

Competition flyers

About the Caboolture Show

The Caboolture Showgrounds was established in 1914 along with its annual Caboolture Show, making it one of the oldest and most successful showgrounds in Queensland.

The showgrounds are managed by the Caboolture Show Society, a not-for-profit organisation and proudly host the annual Caboolture Show, Caboolture Markets, Annual NRA Rodeo Finals and Farm Fantastic.

We also host specialty events year-round including Circuses, Monster Trucks, Music Festivals, Equine Shows, Community Events and much more. During off-peak times, we also invite travellers to set up camp in our conveniently located Camping Grounds.

Our organisation is built around our volunteer membership base, local community groups and organisations. In the early years the annual show and grounds concentrated on agricultural and pastoral pursuits, and it remains a big part of our DNA.

We are excited for the future and are committed to growing the community and business involvement with the showgrounds growth. We are developing both short and long term plans that will see the Showgrounds double its patronage and community involvement over the next two years.

Currently half a million people visit the showgrounds annually and twenty plus community groups utilise our grounds and facilities. We have a large following across all social media platforms as well as a strong web presence and brand recognition.

Our goal is to engage with one million plus visitors by late 2023, we hope your business will help us reach our target and partner with us for the betterment of both organisations.

Our Sponsors



Pumicestone Takeaway