1. Hi-Vis Vest must be always worn from Monday 2nd June till Sunday 9th June except during the opening hours of the event.
2. 50% Deposit is required on acceptance of your site. This will be non-refundable if cancelled 14 days prior to the event.
3. Remittance of the full amount as stated in application MUST be paid to the Show Society NO LATER THAN 14 Days prior to the event date. If the required remittance is not received by this date, the Society reserves the right to re-let the space as the Association may determine and this contract shall be void.
4. It is advised that all patrons on the ground prior to gates opening and during set up that you wear high vis vests for safety reasons.
5. Specific measurements, including towbars must be nominated, as the term “same as last year” will not be acceptable.
6. Lodgement of application is not verification of site as the number and type of exhibits are strictly limited. All accepted exhibitors will receive written confirmation of site by email.
7. All extension leads MUST be flown above ground or covered as per regulations set down by Department of Health & Safety. We undertake to supply power within 20 metres of your site – you may need to use a 20 m lead.
8. Space Cancelled Within 14 Days Prior To The Event Will Receive No Refund Whatsoever.
9. The Association accepts no liability for damages to exhibits by loss, damage, theft, fire, rain, storms, strikers, riots, profitability, or any cause whatever. Insurance for loss or damage is the responsibility of the exhibitor. CURRENT PUBLIC LIABILITY CERTIFICATE REQUIRED BEFORE ACCESS TO GROUNDS.
10. No exhibitor may permit OR conduct any lottery, raffle, guessing competition, or game of chance without prior written permission of both the Queensland Office of Gaming Regulation and the Caboolture P A & I Assn Ltd.
11. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to remove all commercial rubbish from their site and place in bins provided, at all times. Cardboard to be flattened and placed in cardboard recycle bins by exhibitor. All sites must be left in a clean, tidy condition at the end of the show. EXHIBITORS MUST BRING OWN BINS IF REQUIRED, NO BINS ARE SUPPLIED FOR EXHIBITORS USE ON THEIR SITE. COOKING OIL MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN THE WASTE OIL DRUMS PROVIDED PLEASE ASK STAFF FOR THE LOCATIONS.
12. Vehicles will not be permitted on grounds to replenish stocks between trading hours - stock must be carried in person or wheeled in by trolley. No vehicles permitted on ground to remove stock/stall until end of the event.
13. Signs may not be displayed outside the sites allocated area.
14. The exhibitor shall not assign or sub-let any part of the said space without the consent of the Association in writing. The Association always reserves the right to re-allocate space in the interest of providing a better showing of exhibits.
15. The Association reserves the right to postpone or amend the stated dates for the Event, using this right only where circumstances necessitate this action, and without any liability to the Association.
16. The exhibitor shall not assign or sub-let any part of the said space without the consent of the Association in writing. The Association always reserves the right to re-allocate space in the interest of providing a better showing of exhibits.
17. Exhibitors camping will only be allocated if there is room available at the event.
18. Sites must remain open until close of trade unless organised prior with the event management team.
19. Exhibitors will receive 2 Trade passes per site booked. Extra passes can be brought through the office.
20. FOOD VENDORS, PLEASE NOTE: You MUST be able to show on demand, a current Licence/Registration issued pursuant to the Queensland Food Hygiene Regulations of 1989, in order to gain admission to the grounds. The Food Outlet MUST be registered, and the operator MUST be licensed and at all times you MUST comply with regulations in force and issued by the Department of Health, Moreton Bay Regional Council Health Department, and the Board of Fire Services.
21. Exhibitors are reminded that the Association holds a list of band items that are prohibited from being sold.
22. At events where the Showmen’s Quild of Australasia are present all exhibitors are prohibited from selling Fairy Floss, Dagwood Dogs, Doughnuts, Waffles, Toffee Apples & Snow Cones.
23. Smoking is only permitted in designated smoking areas.
24. Exhibitors shall conduct themselves in an orderly manner whilst on the grounds and shall be responsible for the actions of employees, volunteers, and helpers. All workers must be neatly presented in either a company logo shirt or collared polo shirt and must be always clean and tidy. FAILURE TO COMPLY WILL RESULT IN REMOVAL FROM GROUNDS.
25. The Association reserves the right, in unforeseen circumstances to amend or alter the exact site or location of the stand and the exhibitor undertakes to agree to any alterations to the site or to space re-allocated by the Association.
26. Space shall be allocated relevant to each event and the Association reserves the right to allocate each site each time to whomever it decides, whilst at the same time bearing in mind that factors such as years of service by an exhibitor may be taken into account.
27. The Association reserves the right to cancel this contract and to retain all monies paid in relation thereto if there is or has been, in the opinion of the Committee, any infringement of any part of the foregoing conditions and/or if the exhibitor does not occupy the said space at the commencement of and during the full period of the show.
28. The Association reserves the right to reject any application for display space or the right to exhibit at its sole discretion and its decision in this regard shall be final. Furthermore, failure to comply with the condition may result in an exhibitor being excluded from participation in future events.